Compassionate Guidance From An Experienced Third-Party Claim Attorney
As an employee on a dangerous worksite, you know better than anyone how quickly things can go south when people are not putting safety first. When a third party to your employer is the one responsible for your injury, getting the compensation you need may be harder than you think. This is why you need to find a lawyer who is as committed to your best interests as you are.
Workers’ compensation provides some benefits, but those benefits are not always sufficient after a serious or catastrophic injury. When a negligent third party is involved in a workplace accident, injury victims may be able to pursue a third-party personal injury claim – in addition to receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, in these situations, the workers’ compensation providers often lowball benefits to move the claim through. There is an overlap in the legal issues when third-party claims and workers’ compensation benefits are at issue. It is vital to work with a skilled lawyer who knows how to protect your rights in these complicated matters.
The Law Office of Chadwick McGrady, P.C., in Grand Junction is a focused injury law firm that is dedicated to protecting the rights of the injured throughout the Western Slope. Attorney Chadwick McGrady is meticulous in finding every potential source of compensation for injury victims. His understanding of the laws related to personal injury and the workers’ compensation system, combined with a results-driven focus will give you the peace of mind that your rights and best interests are always kept in the forefront. Attorney Chadwick McGrady has first-hand experience as a personal injury victim, and he understands exactly what you are going through.
Why You Cannot Rely Solely On Workers’ Compensation
While workers’ compensation is there for your benefit, if a third party, like a subcontractor, is liable for your injuries, workers’ compensation may underpay you because they expect the third party to pay the compensation you deserve. But even when a third party is liable, they may not own up to their responsibilities. Mr. McGrady is dedicated to seeing his clients receive the best possible outcome in their cases, and he delivers comprehensive negotiation and fierce litigation in order to earn those results. The compensation you receive should not simply reflect the initial cost of your injuries, but rather, the entire cost.
Get The Representation You Need
Insurance companies and liable parties count on you to pursue your compensation without an attorney. Without the help of Law Office of Chadwick McGrady, P.C., you are far more likely to accept a settlement that is far less than what you deserve. To arrange a no-pressure, free consultation to learn what attorney McGrady can do for you, send an email or call 970-644-5599.