Driver admissions reveal distracted driving continues

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2020 | Car Accidents

Motorists generally understand the dangers of distracted driving. But, according to an commissioned survey, motorists admitted that they texted, ate and used their cellphones while driving. Texting and driving, along with phone and video usage, continues to cause the most serious and fatal car accidents.     

According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, an estimated 2,841 people died in crashes involving distracted driving in 2018. These constituted almost eight percent of fatal crashes.

The 2019 survey included 1,000 drivers. It found that that 87 percent of motorists said that distracted driving is a bigger problem than it was two years ago. Almost all survey respondents, 92 percent, understood that texting and driving is as dangerous as impaired driving.

However, 42 percent of drivers still engaged in texting and driving which was a two percent increase from 2018. Drivers said they text and drive because they wanted to tell something important to a family member, respond to another text, provide their arrival time, or were doing work. Eleven percent of drivers admitted to texting and driving daily.

The survey found that motorists used their electronic devices for a variety of distracting behavior. Nineteen percent admitted to reading an e-mail, 16 percent looked at social media, 12 percent surfed the web, nine percent watched a video, and six percent drafted an email.

Unfortunately, taking selfies joined these distracting driving behaviors. The good news is that 89 percent of surveyed drivers said they did not take selfies. But 25 percent of respondents admitted to taking other photographs while they drove.

Drivers also admitted to other distractions. These included adjusting navigation systems, dealing with their children, talking on the phone, adjusting music, changing heat and air conditioning settings and eating.

The survey also disclosed additional disturbing data. Almost one-third of respondents admitted to rude and dangerous driving conduct. This included honking at a slower motorist, brake-checking a car following too closely and making rude gestures at another driver.

Victims of an accident caused by a distracted or negligent driver can suffer serious injuries. An attorney can help them, or their families seek compensation and damages.

Attorney Chadwick P. McGrady at his desk