In July 2011, a taxicab driver struck two women who were crossing the street in downtown Denver. One of them, Jessica Ferrer, suffered significant injuries and sued the driver and his employer, the Colorado Cab Company (“Yellow Cab”). Yellow Cab also owned the taxicab...
How to stay upright this winter
It isn't uncommon to encounter snow, slush and ice during a typical Colorado winter. However, even if you are used to walking on slick parking lots, sidewalks or other surfaces, there is still a chance that you'll slip or fall on them. In some cases, you may be...
Spinal cord injury overwhelming? Help is available
A lot of people are fortunate to walk away from their car accidents with nothing more than bumps, bruises, and maybe even a few sprains or broken bones. While those injuries are certainly important and require appropriate care and compensation, if caused by the...
Riding the Chairlift Is a Means to an End That Could Cause Injury
It's still ski season here in Colorado, and now that the holidays are over, you may look forward to sneaking away on the weekends to take advantage of one of the state's many ski resorts. For many, skiing provides a sense of freedom they can't get anywhere else. As...
Your Actions Are Not Always Enough to Prevent a Hunting Accident
Big game seasons are over in fall, but small game hunting is in full swing in Colorado. While hunting rabbits and ducks may not have the same kinds of risks, you must still be aware of some of the common hazards, especially if you hunt with your children. You may...