Common causes of winter slips and falls

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2021 | Premises Liability

During the cold winters in Colorado, slips and falls can create a serious risk of injury. Because of this, it’s extremely important to protect yourself from the many problems associated with snow and ice. One of the best ways to stay safe is to be aware of some of the most common causes of winter injuries.

Wet or slick walkways

There are many conditions that can lead to slip and fall injuries in the wintertime. Among the most common are wet or slick surfaces. Walking for even short distances on icy sidewalks can be risky.

Slippery floors to the entrances of buildings

When snow or ice melts, it can leave slick surfaces in the entryways of buildings. Unfortunately, you may not always be able to avoid slipping or falling as you walk into a building. If you suffer a serious accident, you could face expensive medical bills, lost wages while you’re recovering and other financial difficulties. Business owners are responsible for making their entrances safer during unpredictable weather. Otherwise, they may face a premises liability lawsuit.

Changing weather conditions

It’s impossible to control the weather. However, weather contributes to a large majority of slip and fall injuries. Property owners and municipalities have a responsibility to make conditions safer during winter conditions by doing things like:

  • Shoveling sidewalks
  • Salting walkways
  • Plowing streets

Uneven surfaces

Ruts, potholes and uneven ground can put you at greater risk of a slip and fall injury, especially if snow or ice is a factor. Property owners and municipalities are usually responsible for clearly marking these dangerous areas to prevent access to them.

Protect yourself against slips and falls

Most people have seen someone take a nasty fall on unpredictable winter ground. Do your part to stay safe by remaining aware of icy or snowy conditions. Avoid walkways that appear uneven, and remember to take it slow. If you are injured on another person’s property, an attorney may be able to explain your available options for compensation.

Attorney Chadwick P. McGrady at his desk