Memory Loss Can Be Challenging After a Brain Injury

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2018 | Brain Injury

One of the most harrowing symptoms of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) for some victims is memory loss. This can impact people in different ways. For some, long-term memories are gone. For others, the short-term memory is impacted. This can make life miserable for many people.

When you think about the long-term memories you have, it might make you emotional to think about not being able to remember those. Cherished memories of your family members who are gone or of friends you don’t see any longer may no longer be accessible to you.

Short-term memory can affect the way you do daily tasks. It might impact how you carry out your job duties if you can’t remember what to do or how to do it. You might have social effects from this, too.

There are many ways that you can improve your memory, even if you’ve had a brain injury. While these aren’t perfect, they might help you to ensure that you can do the things you need to. It might help if you have list of steps written out or in picture form for tasks you do on a regular basis. This can help you at work, too.

For some people who have a brain injury, finding ways to help with memory might require some trial and error during therapy sessions. This might be a costly proposition especially if you have other medical bills to pay. However, you might be able to seek compensation for the damages from the accident that led to your injury. This is possible if another person caused the accident through negligence or intentional actions.

Attorney Chadwick P. McGrady at his desk